Sunday, June 9, 2013

The Golden Bald eagle Details and Info

This Beautiful Golden Eagle eagle is named for its golden brown plumage, with head and nape feathers are a little slightly lighter, golden color. The golden eagle is between 26-33 inches in height, the eagle has a wingspan of 78 inches (over 7 feet long) and weighs 3.2 to 6.4 kg. Adults have a bill which is a bit smaller and darker than that of other eagle, which include the bald eagle. The immature golden eagle's in flight can be recognised from the immature bald eagle by the presence of distinct white patches on the under-wing and by a large white tail with dark band. The most notable field mark at any age distinguishing these two eagles, should you be in a position to see it, is the presence of feathers on the legs of golden eagles all the way down to the toes while the bald eagle has a considerable amount of the leg showing. Its favored prey food include rodents, birds, rabbits, and reptiles, as well as carrion. They have also been known to take small sheep and other small farm animals.

Life and the History of these eagle's

The golden eagle is a long-lived bird, with a life span believed to be around 30 years or even more. It is also known that a pair of eagle's mate for life and defends a large selected territory against other golden eagles to protect there young from starving. Both the male and female help in building the nest, occasionally in a tree but more often on a cliff ledge, commonly with the protection of an overhanging tree or rock so they have shelter. The nest is made of large sticks and branches and often contains aromatic leaves which may serve to deter insects and other small pests. Since the same nest may be used and added to almost every year, So as you can imagine theses nests can become very large due to the birds adding to them.

The birds nest usually of 1 or 2 sometimes but rarely 3 eggs which hatch after an incubation period of 34-45 days. Eaglets fledge in 65-75 days. The male provides some help with incubation, but he is the major food provider during incubation and chick rearing. Young reach sexual maturity and obtain adult coloration in most cases at around 5 years of age.

Habitat is very Important

The golden eagle is seen worldwide throughout the Northern Hemisphere. Golden eagles are typically associated with the large plains of the western United States, and are fairly common in our western states, Alaska and western Canada. Never abundant in the eastern U. S., this species is now virtually extirpated as a breeding bird east of the Mississippi River. Golden eagles once nested at no more than a few or so sites in the Adirondacks of New York, in Maine and in New Hampshire. They are believed to still nest in large numbers in eastern Canada and they are also protected here, as evidenced by hundreds of golden eagles appearing during the fall and spring migrations in the eastern U. S. Preferred habitats include generally open areas, mountains, grasslands, and deserts. The golden eagle feeds primarily on live mammals such as ground squirrels and rabbits, and other small animals found in their preferred upland habitats. In winter they will feed on carrion and waterfowl in the east.


Golden eagles have been protected in the United States since 1963. During the 1950's, an estimated 20,000 eagles were destroyed by ranchers and farmers, particularly sheep farmers who perceived them to be a major threat to there livestock. In the north eastern states, remnant populations declined drastically to almost distinction. Although sightings occur every year in New York, most are during migration. A nest was built in the winter of 1992-93 by a wintering pair in southeastern New York, but has never been used as the pair departs every spring to return the next fall. The reasons for the decline of this species in the east are not clear. Various factors seem to be involved, including shooting, accidental trapping, human disturbance at nest sites, posishing, loss of essential open hunting habitat due to succession and fire control, and possibly pesticide contamination (especially by DDT).and also construction and building works.

Hacking, a technique used successfully in New York to restore the bald eagle, has been considered for golden eagle's, but has not been pursued due to the uncertainty of why golden eagles disappeared from New York and whether these conditions still remain. Tracking of golden eagle's is being conducted in a few south eastern states during the 1990's and latter and at least three pair's has nested in there in recent years.

Friday, June 7, 2013

The Bald eagle &amplifier The Vulture - Two Archetypal Bird Dreams

When a person is too deeply embedded in the collective, outer reality of everyday life, the discovery in his or her own dreams of universal, archetypal images... can be a freeing experience. --James Hall

In the world of archetypal symbolism birds in our dreams often indicate a spiritual endeavor. After all, they fly above us, closer to the heavens than we normally find ourselves. Their freedom looks exhilarating. In the body of a jet where we might find ourselves flying faster and higher than birds, we still lack open air, the wind in our hair so-to-speak, and we're confined in mostly small seats amongst other people, who rather than lifting their arms entrained in synch with ours, are coughing, eating, sleeping, working, or looking more concerned than carefree. Therefore when we observe our fine feathered friends in dreams, we consider the context of course, but often think of the heights and liberation of the spirit.

Of a very large species, unless we are ornithologist, we mostly categorize the birds we see in dreams generally. Two important dreams I had at a time of spiritual initiation in my life delivered messages about two divergent paths due to the differences in the winged creatures and the situations in which they appeared. Yet both dreams appeared to promise worthwhile journeys.

I had been steeped in sorrow when a dream lifted me out of my depression almost immediately. At the time of the dream I had not been a student of dream work, but even in my relative ignorance, I could feel that the dream was a blessing. As background information, let me state a that I had lost my father in adolescence. When I was thirteen he suffered a nervous breakdown and when I was fifteen he died of a self-administered overdose of drugs. He was a doctor, so I often wondered if he had intentionally ended his life. Another pertinent fact relating to this period in my young life was that my mother told my siblings and I that he died of a heart attack. In her own shock and pain, she soldiered on, never visibly mourning, so that we did not express our grief either.

I grew up with a certain suspicion about my father's death but I kept it to myself and repressed what emotions I had about those two difficult years. I was just becoming a woman and my advent into womanhood was affected by what I had witnessed, a kind of quiet and sometimes not-so-quiet desperation in my father. I began to pick boyfriends and later, men friends, who would abandon me and I often reacted with some hysterical end-of-the-world responses to the termination of these relationships.

By the time that my bird dreams occurred, I intellectually understood that my reactions to the loss of a partner were irrational and at times, out of proportion to the seriousness or lack thereof, of the relationship. I "knew" that my unarticulated grief for my father surfaced and further exacerbated my sense of loss.

Knowing however, didn't help the feelings to subside. So when in my mid thirties, I was suffering from the betrayal of a man I had been very happy with, I didn't seek out traditional therapy, having gone through five years of that a few years back after a divorce. One day a friend suggested I see her astrologer who lived on an island in Casco Bay, outside of Portland, Maine where I was living. I liked the idea of crossing the water, an archetypal theme in itself, to find some answers as to why my grief was inconsolable.

I sat on the ferry at ten in the morning, smoking a cigarette. In those days I'd lost my appetite for meals and I lived on cigarettes and spring water. The clear October landscape hurt me with its gorgeous auburn leaves and cerulean sky and the bright contrasting colors stabbed at my eyes like an insult, the whole landscape somehow provocative of my lost happiness. A day for lovers, I thought.

Whatever the weather, during that difficult time, I seemed to turn each day into another reason to mourn. The beautiful vista of churning dark blue water wrapped around the speckled islands of the bay only made me feel my loneliness more intensely. In my self-contained universe, every song on the radio seemed designed to bring back the image of my lover, our romantic ritual of dancing in his living room. I wallowed in memories. Images played through my mind like some dopey refrain of the country music he'd introduced me to and yet, quite the wailing country diva myself, I kept bringing them back in order to ask myself why it hurt so much. Was it just the stock cliché, betrayal, jealousy, anger and humiliation I felt, or was it truly losing the essence of this wonderful man from my life that caused me this irrepressible grief? I was convinced of the latter. Some things you just know.

As I debarked from the boat and turned on foot up one of the unpaved roads of the island, my anger was gone but the grief puddled up in my body so that only the consistent rhythm of my sighs, like the whitecaps, one after another washing against the boat, could convince me I was still living. As clueless as the gaping gulls who waddled toward me in search of a hand-out, I had crossed the water to find an answer. Once on the island, I followed the twists in the dirt road according to a scribbled map, my gaze drawn from the street signs to the wild flower gardens, the slatted fences and yards littered with tricycles and lawn chairs even this late in the season. The weeds which had begun to overtake the gardens seemed to smell of decay.

I entered Mary Alice's screened-in porch and rang the bell. Though I doubted I would find any solace in the reading, I was curious as to what she could say without knowing me or my situation at all. Yet within my two hour meeting this lovely and talented astrologer, a wise woman and mistress of metaphor, was able to give me explanations about the fragile state of my psyche that made more sense than the reasoning I'd worked through in my therapy.

Her first image of me was that my hands were stuck in a Chinese puzzle. The more I tried to wiggle them out, the more I found them locked up. Without getting too technical, I'll just say that she showed me how two very intense planetary transits were at work affecting my moon or emotions, and Venus, my relationship life. She advised me to simply surrender, to sit in my rocking chair by the fire, drinking tea with my favorite blanket around my shoulders, playing my saddest country arias allowing myself to descend into the divine abyss of loss- (the key word here is divine) "Until you are lifted out," she said. "And you will be lifted out." She peered at me seriously; "And when you are, you will become someone entirely new."

On the collective level, Pluto, the planet of ruination and riches, had just entered the sign of Scorpio where it would remain for the next twelve years. She explained that in addition to my personal plight, the universe was making an energetic shift itself and that as we came closer to the millennium, many individuals were tapping into an awakening. Humanity itself was gearing up for a major evolutionary leap, one which would take many years to become apparent. Oh yeah, the harmonious Age of Aquarius, I thought, remembering the sixties musical Hair. So how come I'm miserable? She said my soul had chosen this particular impact and would be opening to a new purpose but first, thanks to Pluto's renovation technique, it needed to be stripped of emotional dependencies, so that I would learn the true nature of love, which was unconditional. She explained that I had three planets in the eighth house, the natural home for Pluto. Later, reading about Pluto I came across this quote by the eminent Jungian-Astrologer Liz Greene: "If there are many planets in the eighth, the individual must learn to look darkness in the face (85).

I didn't really understand much astrology then, but I did know that I had a loaded eighth house and that mythically, the descent is often the way into transformation and I thought of the poet Dante in his dark woods, the mythical story of Persephone's abduction, Odysseus' trip to Hades and the many literary figures and writers who went to the underworld before returning with new knowledge to deliver to the upper world.

I was also aware of the many poets who never rose from their descent: Plath, Sexton, Berryman, Crane, and so many of the French writers I'd studied in college, as well as my own father. Mary Alice's astrological explanation for my crisis clicked intuitively in a way I couldn't explain. As psycho-babbly as these astrological terms ("Pluto square, Saturn transit") sounded to me at the time, I sensed there was something more profound at work. My sense of loss was almost disproportional to the reality of the event. Among other things I learned about my chart that day was the fact that I had been born to lose my father and with each new loss, the original feeling of loss was triggered.

My stricken mother had simply gone on when my father died. With her four children in tow, she never allowed herself or us to collectively grieve. It was a different era back in 1963. President Kennedy death preceded by father's by three weeks and in a way we were already grieving. My mother did what she thought was the right thing. Put one foot in front of the other and move forward. But I thought I had worked through the themes of the lost father in my therapy during the years of my divorce. To my surprise I found out that Saturn, the Patriarchal Father, was the ruler of my particular astrological chart and both my Pluto and my Saturn, as well as Mars, the planet of war and will, were located in the eighth house, the native house of Scorpio, the most intense and emotional sign.

I remembered clearly the night my father died. A detective had come to the door with his hat and coat. My mother stood at the railing on the stairs and told us our father had had an accident and died of a heart attack. I remembered distinctly three words surfacing in my head: "he's killed himself." Even at fifteen, my own unconscious intuited the truth I didn't actually discover until I was twenty-nine.

On the trip back to the mainland, I felt for the first time since the breakup as if my emotional and mental state might now make some sense. Somehow believing in a spiritual rescue and recovery was the most heartening idea I had heard in many months and I had learned the effect of the "Pluto square" was to clear away what was not "serving" my "higher purpose." I was, quite simply, in hell. Incarcerated by the classical God Hades, deep in the realm of depression and loss.

Another name for the ruler of subterranean spaces was "Plutus" which means "riches." Treasures and resurrections were also associated with Pluto. What I didn't know at that time was how very long the journey would take to yield these treasures. But shortly thereafter, in earnest, I was lifted out by a major archetypal dream. I recognized it as important by the numinosity of the images and the level of emotional intensity it left me with.

I am walking on the beach with a adolescent girl who is in my care. She is cranky and nagging me. I find her to be a real pain in the neck. At some point she steps on a twig and gets a splinter in her foot. I try to get the splinter out, and as I do, it flies from my hands, boomeranging out and then back into her forehead, hitting her right between her eyes. Now I am truly concerned about her because the splinter has become a wedge as big as a meat cleaver. I go to pull it out again but when I release it from her head, her head splits open in clean very surreal planes and out flies a huge bird. The two very cubically neat halves of her head fold back into place as the eagle flaps its enormous wings and flies above and around us. We hold each other squealing and laughing in awe of the bird's power, acting like giddy young girls and I feel a deep love this girl.

This dream was a tremendous release. I wasn't sure of all the implications but I knew the girl I didn't want any part of was me at thirteen or fourteen, that it spoke of an adolescent wound, most likely my father's death, and that out of this girl's pain had come a huge bird. It seemed to me the wound of abandoning boyfriend and the wound of the father were overlaid and had thrown me back to the girl who had never healed, who lived with this issue now right between the eyes. Depending on the genus, birds are often associated with the spiritual world, the heavens, although some like the owl, albatross or raven are associated with more negative augury. But this bird was a huge eagle with an enormous wingspan and what I felt from the image of it flapping its wings was the sheer physical power of its body. It was the joy of witnessing that huge, muscular body and feeling the strength of its wings that delighted me and the young dream girl. It is difficult to convey the fascination and pleasure we felt in watching the enormity of that bird take off.

The American and Native American symbol of the eagle is related to celestial omnipotence. Furthermore, the eagle is associated with the sun's power. It is Zeus's companion in Greek myths, and to the Christian mystics, is a symbol of Christ's ascension, "... also an attribute of John the Evangelist... Jung regards the eagle as a father symbol." (Imagine my surprise!!!) (The Herder Symbol Dictionary 63) I found even more synchronistic meaning in J.C. Cooper's Illustrated Encyclopedia of Traditional Symbols: "... release from bondage... Alchemic: The soaring eagle is the liberated part of the prima materia... resurrection and the new life in baptism: the soul renewed by grace " (italics mine).

In the dream there was a transformation and the head wound was instantaneously healed. It was only later that I realized in Freudian psychology that the foot wound is a sexual wound, the Oedipal wound from the father. In the story of Oedipus, the baby boy is shackled to a rock with a pin through his foot, left to die from exposure. Freud associated Oedipus' foot with the phallus, as his crime later in life is to unconsciously commit incest and beget children with his mother/wife. His father had wounded his foot and after Oedipus escapes and is adopted, he grows up and unknowingly kills his real father.

The young girl's splinter or foot wound becomes a wound in her head, an unconscious complex. When the wounding object is released, the spiritual power flies out in the form of the eagle. The alchemical gold of transformation is in the lead of depression, as the bird is in the whining adolescent's head.

I felt so clear and relieved that I actually thought my trauma was now over. I felt I had arrived on the new level. Was this the "lifting out" Mary Alice had predicted? You will be someone new. This is not to say there weren't recurring relapses into sorrow and more pining, but I felt I had a leg up from the abysmal pit of depression I'd lived in for so long.

A few days after the dream I picked up a poem by the Hungarian poet Miraslav Holub and read the lines You ask the answer, it is but one word-Again. As I read these words I realized I wanted to go back into therapy.

Driving to a small seacoast town an hour away, I began going twice a week for two hour and a half sessions with Winona, a petite woman who grew up in New England and had just returned after spending twenty or so years in Belgium and Switzerland where she trained at the C.G. Jung Institute in Kusnacht, outside Zurich. By this time my ex and I had sold and split the proceeds of our house. I bought the beach condo and used some of the money for analysis. Due to the intensity of three analytic hours a week, during this round of therapy, my dreams both descended from the heavens and rose like steam from the underworld and I could not record them fast enough. Nor could I stop writing poems. It was a tremendously introspective but fruitful time.

It's said that the early dreams in an analysis set the themes for the entire analysis and so it was in my own experience. Here is my first dream (with another bird) where I believe I found a new view of myself and the work I had to do.

I am on a beautiful beach. It is the shape of my neighborhood beach but much more tropical more like the beach in New Zealand which I recently saw on the postcard I received from a dear friend. I am walking with my son and we see in the distance, walking towards us, an old woman wearing a babushka and flying a kite. My eight year old son is excited to hold the kite. As the old woman approaches us, she looks me straight in the eye and holds out her arm to hand me the kite string. My son is jumping up and down, trying to grab it. As I look up at the kite itself, I notice it is not an inanimate object but a live vulture that the old woman is flying on a leash. I back away from her, shaking my head No... No, I don't want anything to do with a vulture. But my young son jumps up and down saying "Take it Mom, Please take it." I keep shaking my head and backing away, pulling him away until I catch the eye of the old woman again and she nods at me as if to say, "Honey, you'd better take this vulture. It's yours. It belongs to you."

Most of us identify and recognize the vulture as the bird who feeds on the dead. But what I didn't see at the time was the significance of the vulture as a symbol of underworld wisdom. It was sacred to the Egyptians as a guardian of the threshold between life and death. In a Jungian sense, the image came from the collective unconscious, a heavy archetypal image, universally comprehended as an association with the dead. Again, the symbol dictionaries emphasized interpretations synchronistic to my particular experience. "Since it eats carrion and transforms it into vital energy, the vulture... knows the secret of the transformation of worthless material into gold." (Herder, 211) And "Ambivalent as maternal solicitude, protection and shelter, and as death-dealing destruction and voracity. All vultures were thought to be female and symbolized the feminine principle with the hawk as male (italics mine)... As a scavenger the vulture represented purification, a worker of good. In Egypt it represented the Mother Goddess, maternity and love, Isis having assumed the form of a vulture" (Cooper).

I had had two bird dreams, one with the father's wound which transforms to a powerful inner male figure and one with a crone, a wise inner feminine associated with the Egyptian Mother Goddess, Isis. Consciously, in my quotidian life, I had no reason for having dreamed these symbols. I was familiar with neither at the time of the dreams. These were "big dreams," with collective symbols which came at a time of crisis.

With the help of my analyst, I took the vulture dream in two ways. I was perhaps lifted out of my black hole but by no means had I put my depression behind me. It was time to mine this underworld and come to grips with its contents. As the realm of the dead, it also constituted the world of my father. I knew I must go back and look at how I had integrated the negative side of my father.

My young son's reaction in the dream, his excitement and enthusiasm to take on the vulture, to let it fly as his own pet, showed in Jung's terms, my young animus or my newly reborn creative male side, eager and capable of handling this material. I must follow the vulture. And the old lady, whom I associated to my Polish grandmother, a pious and spiritually wise immigrant with an abiding faith in the supernatural-she was the archetypal Wise Old Woman. What had become of the hag, the dark side of the Great Mother? Foolishly, I thought she was gone for good. I didn't realize then that in times of new emotional setbacks which carried repressed anger or fear, she would reappear again, often in the form of a bag lady. But for now, I was thrilled to have an older woman as an inner mentor, a crone.

I also had her in Winona, who was far from crone-looking but older and wiser than I in the world of dreams. But this old woman in the dream was also a potential part of me, the part that was wiser than my ego, who I thought I was, what I thought I needed, that narrow range to which we limit ourselves from our unique egoic perception. I learned not to trust the ego's position in the dream. The conscious self did not want the vulture; the unconscious animus, my son, was raring to take it on! With Winona's help, I could see from the wise woman's perspective that she knew better than my ego did. The dream clicked in the specific direction of my new "path." Dream work seemed a best friend to poetry, my chosen field. I've been immersed in the imagery of both ever since.


Cooper, An Illustrated Encyclopedia of Traditional Symbols. London: Thames and Hudson, Ltd., 1978
Hall, James, Dream Interpretation, Toronto: Inner City Books, 1983

Thursday, June 6, 2013

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Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Cause You To Gas Bbq Grill Ignitor probably the most Reliable A part of Your BBQ Rather than Purchasing Repairs

I see 1000's of bbq grills in their worst. People call me once the grill won't warmth correctly, can't ignite or starts to break apart with corrosion and rust. I repair gas bbq grills and that i see the way you treat your BBQ. The most typical misunderstanding I cope with is really a belief grill ignitors don't last. Many clients will inform me their bbq grill has offered them for more than 10 years however the ignitor eliminate within six several weeks. Generally, after i test the ignition it really works all right apart from being overlooked within the last nine . 5 years. Inject just a little education and many clients can make use of the bbq grill ignition for several years before requiring a alternative part.

A propane gas grill ignitor consists of a number of different parts although most backyard chefs picture it as being just one fragile item. The module is frequently known to like a spark generator and generate sparks is exactly what it will. A module can have a button to do something because the electronic switch, spark generator and battery power. These products may also be installed individually with respect to the grill design. The switch is generally accessible however the ignition module is mounted behind the user interface. Positioning behind the user interface keeps you against breaking it and keeps the elements from directly affecting its performance.

The electrode is connected to the module by an electrode wire that incurs the firebox from the gas Bbq. The electrode functions as being a spark connect your vehicle. The charge in the battery is triggered once the button is pressed, rotary is switched, control knob recessed, etc. Battery charge is converted inside the module and delivered to the electrode. The electrode sparks and gas ignites. It really is that easy and also the simpler the tool, the greater hard to damage.

A bbq grill ignition electrode ought to be easy to find within the firebox of the propane gas grill when the cooking grates, briquette tray or warmth shields happen to be removed. It'll even seem like a little spark plug having a porcelain housing along with a steel fishing rod coming through it. Frequently you will see another steel fishing rod mounted alongside the fishing rod coming with the porcelain. Many bbq producers will set a stainless-steel collector box within the electrode to safeguard it. Whether your propane gas grill electrode is really a single steel fishing rod inside a porcelain sleeve, two steel rods or perhaps is found in a stainless collection box, this is when the electrical charge arcs to ignite your propane gas grill.

One good reason a bbq grill ignitor will appear to operate poorly is identical reason the spark connect your vehicle should have its gap modified when it's installed. If the electrode is grounding from the propane gas grill burners, the collector box or secondary steel fishing rod, the length needs to come close enough to create a strong connection but far enough apart to maximise the contact with gas flowing in the burners. Look into the propane gas grill manual and correctly gap the length to offer the best spark out of your ignitor.

Should you bought your gas grill from the grill store instead of a huge store selling everything but correctly educated in nothing or purchasing it on the internet and putting together it yourself the niche grill store may have completed this for you personally included in the set up from the grill.

The main reason many people believe their gas Bbq ignitor is damaged is grease. The electrode must mount within the grill close to the gas burners to be able to connect to the gas because it leaves the burners. The closeness towards the gas it ignites also places the electrode within the road to falling grease. Grease, grime, rain, water bobs of food all mix to hinder the potency of your propane gas grill ignition. Once the button is pressed, clicked on or switched and also the gas doesn't ignite most backyard cooks will assume the ignitor is damaged. Frequently it's really a single drop of grease that's preventing the arc from hooking up down.

The rare client who genuinely does clean their gas bbq regularly will concentrate on the grill parts they are able to see or even the BBQ parts that touch their food. The greater devoted prepare may take away the cooking grates to wash the rock tray, warmth shields and often poke place the gas ports around the gas burners. All of this is excellent but an additional a few seconds to gently brush the collector box or even the uncovered electrode could keep the ignition function securely through years of use. Whenever you clean the electrode, depend in your p-greasing spray. If an excessive amount of pressure is used and also the porcelain sleeve will get cracked, the electrode must be changed. Spray the p-greaser, gently brush the steel rods then switch the battery and activate the switch. Most ignitors today make use of a battery powered button however, many grills still use rotary knobs or piezo clicking buttons. Look into the arc to make certain the spark is really a solid blue and adjust the space if required.

I've aided 1000's of backyard chefs in the last many years along with a huge most of them have thought a faulty ignitor was standard practice on the propane gas grill. It's not. Just a little education along with a little maintenance as well as your ignitor will exceed your anticipation and securely ignite your bbq grill each time.

Pro Electric Fireplaces 36EB111-GRC Contemporary Electric Fireplace with Fixed Tempered Glass Panel by Pro Electric Fireplaces

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Monday, June 3, 2013

Fundamental Steps to Paver Patio Construction

1. The initial step is to look for the size or part of the patio by sq . ft .. This can figure in to the estimate of materials needed later. Mark from the area having a can of whitened spray fresh paint, slightly bigger to permit paver edge vices along with a footing base in the edges from the patio.

2. Estimate the types of materials needed, chose preferred pavers, Most paver and concrete sellers will show you the number of per sq ft in order for there items. Also estimate base material and sand, roughly 1 1/2 yards of gravel(3/4 " quarry process)per 100 sq ft, this can support a 4" compressed base. Sand - an excellent mason sand, about 1/4 the quantity of the gravel base ought to be plenty. Getting more is definitely much better than not getting enough base material.

3. Digging and planning for any good paver is made of important and will also be probably the most time intensive process. Excavate by shovel or loader if available, use local digging laws and regulations to make certain to prevent any hidden cable. Make base 6"-8" below preferred height of patio, the pavers will require 2" of this therefore the gravel base underneath the pavers is going to be 4"- 6". If at all possible make use of a landscape fabric under gravel for better support and safeguard base from soil. Some areas may need a much deeper base because of poor soil or recent disturbed soil from home construction. Next - obtain the gravel base in by wheelbarrow, shovel, loader, and rake it to approximate level.

4. Grade the patio base having a 2X4 to obtain a level and sloped base for water runoff. slope slightly to where preferred water should run, use in regards to a quarter bubble technique on the 4 feet level, make certain sloping the right way. For bigger patios, 2 2X4s might be needed so that they would need to be nailed together. In case your patio is alongside a concrete front yard or highlighting concrete or timbers, then make use of a modified 2X 4 to grade along that border(see picture on left). Take time to get level, and re-grade after compaction is performed (next thing).

5. Make use of a plate compactor or like compaction device to obtain good a good base for that pavers. When the gravel is simply too dry, wet it lower some having a hose to really make it pack better. Grade additional occasions after each compaction until complete.

6. Fine grade with mason sand exactly the same way certifying ended earlier, this final grade evens the rough gravel grade and enables for any nice even base for that pavers. This is just a quarter inch or less layer of sand to keep the correct grade, no inch of sand like you might have heard about, recall the proper grade and slope was already completed with a simple to utilize gravel base.

7. Lay the pavers within the preferred pattern, for pattern ideas see resource page, obtain the pavers tight as you possibly can, begin with a place or house foundation to permit the very best searching pattern. Bear in mind pavers will have to be cut having a saw and gemstone paver edge if patio area has curves or obstacles. simple square patios might not need any cutting. to chop pavers, make use of a calculating technique or measure with paver in position and mark.

8. Finally, make use of a plastic edge restraint and secure with spikes about 2' apart or less for additional strength. Then sweep with similar mason sand, the finer the greater, it'll sweep in to the cracks and become a dry mortar as they say and secure the pavers. The dryer the sand, the simpler it will likely be to brush in. Make use of the compactor to bring along the patio and permit the sand to fall within the cracks better. I recommend to place card board or fabric underneath the compactor not to damage pavers and prevent the vibrating noise too, I bungie cord card board to the foot of the compactor, however following a couple of occasions the card board is going to be worn, but is useful for just one use. Sweep sand again before the paver joints will require forget about sand. And also the last factor is always to fill black grime round the edge to aid and landscape for your desire, seed grass or rock (this covers the plastic edging).

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Landmann USA 28925 Ball of Fire Outdoor Fireplace by Landmann

Landmann USA 28925 Ball of Fire Outdoor Fireplace

You can uncover several marketing and far more selections of product for shopping through on-line digital market place that can attracted you attention. Nevertheless, our finest team style specialists are considerate to this development for you and every one. Our Landmann is incredibly specific that you just will most likely be accomplished by our new profitable Landmann USA 28925 Ball of Fire Outdoor Fireplace. In case you might be trying to find a fantastic present for yourself or an individual that you love, this really is going to be the amazing opportunity for you.

We're marketing and advertising in the high level to produce the best of our new product. The information of producing market combined with our amazing material gave us the excellence outcome from the Landmann USA 28925 Ball of Fire Outdoor Fireplace which can be purchased at numerous on-line. Nevertheless by the fantastic product good quality and new look will get probably the most attention to you far more than any other. that can make the number of satisfy consumers rise rapidly.

However reasonable value appear to be the other concern cause of buying from most customer that is certainly why we'll make certain that we'll often create a product in a fair very good value to the market place for everyone which includes you too. After which you might be going to be glad that you have chosen to purchase the Landmann USA 28925 Ball of Fire Outdoor Fireplace for your need or for some one that you care.

Landmann USA 28925 Ball of Fire Outdoor Fireplace
List Price : $299.99

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Light up and warm up the next outdoor gathering with Landmann's unique Ball of Fire outdoor fireplace. When filled with flame at night, this spherical fireplace looks like a fireball floating in midair. Offering a 360-degree view of the flame; the unit measures 30.25 by 32.75 by 34.75 inches for plenty of warmth on decks, patios, pools and more. A large pivoting door with an extra large handle means easy access when it's time to stoke the logs or refuel. All-steel construction ensures optimal durability and support.

Landmann offers a large selection of grills, grates, fireplaces and smokers, as well as firewood storage racks and fire starter (also available at for easier, cleaner burning with less ash.


  • Outdoor fireplace with spherical spark screen
  • Unobstructed 360-degree view of the fire
  • Large pivoting door with large handle for easy refueling
  • Sturdy steel construction with 30-inch-diameter firebowl
  • Measures 30-1/4 by 32-3/4 by 34-3/4 inches

Friday, May 31, 2013

Jumbo Diamond - Fireplace Glass - 60 LBS. by Diamond Fire Glass

Jumbo Diamond - Fireplace Glass - 60 LBS.

Probably the most current amazing item from Diamond Fire Glass is now coming to you and your house. We are supplying you and everyone Probably the most effective answer with Jumbo Diamond - Fireplace Glass - 60 LBS.. Our most current merchandise which is in a position to respond your demand and it is out available on the market now. We have been improving the clever capacity and details that we discovered from every single source to summarize the very best item idea outcome. Due to the fact you can find abundances of attractive merchandise publicize in the market place everywhere which includes on the internet too. Probably the most excellence technology and latest condition that our experts utilized to manage this intelligent item will make Jumbo Diamond - Fireplace Glass - 60 LBS. ideal for you and your house more than one more merchandise in the market place.

We are also included the top durable capacity to this item. And we know that a consumer like you deserved a item that was not only going to save you time, but was going to produce your life better. So Jumbo Diamond - Fireplace Glass - 60 LBS. may be the finest thought for you to produce your life less difficult. In no terms we will be the very best part of one's property improvement.

This item is come using the acceptable price tag for customers. in the finish, we see that our productive purpose is from the happiness inside your property.

Jumbo Diamond - Fireplace Glass - 60 LBS.
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Diamond Fire Glass is the Leading supplier of Fireplace Glass and Fire Pit Glass in the United States and is a division of Diamond Fire Glass, Inc. Genuine Diamond Fire Pit Glass is a collection of Vibrant colored Glass crystals or "glass rocks" that will INSTANTLY TRANSFORM YOUR OUTDOOR FIRE PIT INTO A SPARKLING SHOWPIECE!! Diamond Fire Pit Glass will NEVER melt, burn or discolor when used in natural gas fire pits so the Beautiful Color of the fire glass will always look as Brilliant as the day it was first installed! Propane gas over time will leave a residue that may slightly discolor lighter colored crystals. When using Propane it is recommended to use Black fire pit glass so that any residue that is created is not as evident- discoloration will only occur in direct flame so lighter colors may be used to accent outside of direct flame if possible.


  • The Ultimate Fireplace Upgrade that Sparkles!!!
  • 100% Genuine Diamond Fire Glass product
  • Specially Formulated Glass
  • Energy Efficient
  • Enviromentally Friendly

Thursday, May 30, 2013

What's an Outside Living Space? One Definition

What's an outside living space? The simple response is easy and very broad: it may be regardless of the owner wants so that it is, supplying obviously that it's outdoors which a large amount of time is spent residing in it. What exactly are your needs and wants? How can you enjoy spending your time and effort out-of-doorways? Fundamental essentials questions that can help develop your meaning of an outside living space. Therefore, my meaning of an outside living space includes the next features:

a furnished patio, diner and kitchen.a task area together with a pool and lounge area.a properly designed landscape and garden place to add ambiance.

First of all, the important thing aspects of an outside living space, like within the house, incorporate a kitchen, a diner along with a patio sitting room. When weather permits us loves to prepare, eat, relax and entertain outdoors we enjoy having our buddies over our three teenage children enjoy having their buddies over. Cooking, then, is essential and happens whatsoever hrs from morning until night time. A great barbecue forms the middle bit of any outside kitchen but an additional burners or two in certain form also make existence simpler for that prepare. An adequate work surface having a cutting up block or cutting board can further boost the cook's pleasure time outdoors. Use of water, may it be full outside plumbing or perhaps hose hook-up or water dispenser, is an additional necessity. Yet another important feature is really a way of keeping food and drinks awesome and handy, in both a fridge or cooler on ice. An additional benefit for me personally is really a crunches counter area where buddies can view and me company as i prepare. All of these functions ought to be arranged to create a competent working triangular just because they are inside. Next, your kitchen must have easy accessibility diner. A dining room table with seating to support groups bigger than simply immediate household is a smart move if space permits. Once more, an added bonus here could be outside space for storage to carry patio dishes, flatware and linen. A chest or garden hutch could be easily modified to suit this purpose. Finally a place to sit down, relax, read, converse as well as watch television if at all possible is really a lovely accessory for any outside living space. Comfortable chairs, couches, side tables, a glider or porch swing or even a daybed could make el born area cozy and welcoming. Garden furniture could be bought in an array of styles and materials to satisfy anyone's taste and preference my prejudice sways to cedar plank garden furniture.The aim here, ultimately, is to help make the outside living space mirror enhanced comfort and style from the inside.

Additionally to eating, relaxing and entertaining outdoors, we enjoy being active thus my outside living space includes a pool and space for other pursuits. Pools are available in three fundamental styles: in ground, on ground and above ground. In ground pools are undoubtedly probably the most costly option they also provide the finest selection of use and also the best appearance. The swimming pool is better placed where it may receive maximum sun, an element not too necessary in warmer places possibly and surely so further north where summer season are a little shorter and fewer intense. Ample patio decking all over the pool is essential permanently traffic flow as well as for easy cleaning and looking after. I suggest two distinct patio areas be incorporated within the pool deck design. The first is a wide open area where patio chairs or adirondacks can be put for sun worshipers. Another should present an avoid the sun's rays by means of a covered bar/sitting room or some type of pagoda or tiki hut. Usually, individuals will stay at the lake longer whether they can get free from the sun's rays for a little without deserting the whole area. A warm-tub health spa or perhaps a sauna will be a enjoyable addition too, if without other reason simply because they give a year-round drawing card towards the patio. Furthermore, if space enables I'd put aside a comparatively lengthy although not needfully wide position for playing catch having a baseball or football, for shooting pucks or involving soccer kicks, or pitching horseshoes, bocce, lawn bowling, whatever. Most yards can hold all, or at best a few of these features to some extent downsizing is more suitable to omitting. The greater possibilities, the greater enjoyment could be taken.

Finally, atmosphere and ambiance are essential to the outside living space these components could be produced having a smartly designed garden and complimentary landscape designs. The aim here's to create the atmosphere for whatever activities occur, whether pool parties, dinner get-togethers, mid-day barbecues or quiet family time. The finest compliment would be to have visitors comment they feel like they're going to a resort. Getting a obvious theme in your mind when creating the landscape and garden is strongly advised. Some common styles include tropical paradise, desert oasis, north forest retreat, British country garden, Shaped Zen inspiration or perhaps an eclectic mixture of garden features attracted from the 3 styles. I favor tropical theme however with a couple of elements attracted in the others for effect. Medium-sized trees and bushes for example Japanese maples, tiger eye sumacs, magnolias, dogwoods and smoke shrubbery give a very lush, multi-coloured backdrop for just about any setting tall ornamental grasses can make a highly effective privacy screen and mimic a type of bamboo forest look. The odd succulent adds a desert quality yuccas, for instance will grow anywhere. Honey suckle, trumpet vine, climbing roses, bougainvillea (in warmer environments) or simple ivy could be grown on the fence, or any other garden feature like a trellis, arbor or pagoda. If space permits, give a garden bench or swing along a path. Next, I'm additionally a large fan of gemstone and rock. River rock bakes an excellent border round the pool deck and patio and could be organized to point out a rock beach or dry river mattress. A grotto appeal could be added by stacking quarry stone foundations to determine a number of elevated garden beds round the pool or patio. Bigger rocks and big chunks of rock will always be eye-catching additions. Whatever style is selected, you will find a couple of factors to bear in mind: the quantity of space available (don't overcrowd the area - remember: less is much more), the positioning and movement from the sun, average rain fall and easy irrigation if required, not to mention, the price.

To conclude, my meaning of an outside living space is just that - my definition. It reflects my personality and my taste. It satisfies the needs and wants of my loved ones and just how you want to spend our time outside. You may decide to put aside space to support a fireplace pit area or perhaps an skating rink during the cold months. Help make your outside living space what you would like so that it is. I hope my sights have given a beginning point.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Fireglass Fireplace Fire Pit Glass, ~1/4" Bright Green Reflective, 10 LBS from Fireplace Glass San Diego

Fireglass Fireplace Fire Pit Glass, ~1/4
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We Are Thrilled to At long last Present You Our Hottest Fireglass Fireplace Fire Pit Glass, ~1/4" Bright Green Reflective, 10 LBS

The entire world usually seems to be anticipating that one exceptional item to come along that's going to alter the approach we take to do certain things once and for all. The thing is that lots of them came around and were unable to live up to the hype. This simply results in discontent when you have spent hard earned money for a Fireglass Fireplace Fire Pit Glass, ~1/4" Bright Green Reflective, 10 LBS then comprehending that the product isn't any better than the one which emerged previous to.

This is the reason Fireplace Glass San Diego is so delighted to present to you Our most modern Fireglass Fireplace Fire Pit Glass, ~1/4" Bright Green Reflective, 10 LBS. After years of being attentive to just what our shoppers had to say of the items previously available, our company of developers started. Their goal ended up being to entirely replicate this product from the start and create it into one which can more than live up to the build up, which for many individuals is half the reason why they're buying something new.

When we finished developing the normal Fireglass Fireplace Fire Pit Glass, ~1/4" Bright Green Reflective, 10 LBS, we then went about making it one which will give you authentic bang for your buck. The reasoning being that while most of the people don't mind purchasing a decent simple item, we realize that you will love the additional details our developers have put into make our product to stand out from the rest and make it well worth acquiring. Basically we realize we might ask for more for it, we've decided to offer it to you at this super low price.

Click here to read more about the Fireglass Fireplace Fire Pit Glass, ~1/4" Bright Green Reflective, 10 LBS full review & Low price

Fireglass Fireplace Fire Pit Glass, ~1/4

~1/4" Bright Green Reflective Fire glass is used in gas fireplaces and fire pits as an alternative to gas logs. Our fireplace glass crystals are made to withstand the heat of a fireplace or fire pit flame. ~1/4" means that the average size is ~1/4". Some pieces can be quite smaller and some can be quite larger, this is typical for all kinds of fireglass. IMPORTANT: Any fireglass on the market can be used only in devices designed by the manufacturer for use with fireglass. (And if it can be used, you need to respect the recommended size of fireglass). Propane burners do not burn as clean as natural gas and can cause discoloration and sooting, so it is recommended to use dark colors with LP propane. The shade/hue of the glass can change dramatically in different sources of light as well as in different colors of surrounding areas, backgrounds, etc. The image of this glass may be distorted by the settings of your viewing screen.. Update your fireplace or fire pit today!


  • Update your gas fireplace or fire pit with a clean, elegant look!
  • Highest quality fireglass glass on the market
  • Replaces gas logs and lava rocks
  • Easy installation
  • This glass has been tested and will not melt or discolor, if properly installed and used

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Making the most of Outside Experiential Training and Development Programs

It is not uncommon for clients and business managers to be swept away by the novelty of outdoor experiential training and development programs. This often leads to misuse, failed expectations, and worse yet, training that is left in the training room. The problem says Nancy Gansneder--University of Virginia professor and board member of the National Society for Experiential Education (NSEE)--is that "people who have a much shorter view tend to want that one-day romp in the park to affect how a team is going to work together. That's not going to happen. We have to invest an awful lot of time in it, and the payoff is down the road." (Schetter, 2002). Research conducted by Priest and Lesperance support these finding and suggest that any team improvements made by an OTD program may be lost after six months without support in the form of follow-up procedures including team meetings, socialization events, coaching sub-teams, refresher training, and self-facilitation (1994).

As many providers will tell you, educating the customer is the first step to helping create any training that involves an outdoor component. Utilizing outdoor experiential training effectively requires being an informed cuonsumer, practicing good instructional design, and knowing how to select an appropriate provider.

Being an Informed Customer

Many of the common misuses of Outdoor Training and Development stem from misinformation provided by vendors and a lack of an educated consumer base. Information regarding the benefits, theory and methodology surrounding the field are often overshadowed by glossy color photos of novel acts that at best project an eschewed portrait of the nature and benefits of the learning vehicles.

What is Outdoor Experiential Training and Development

Outdoor Experiential Training and Development can be defined as the purposeful use of outdoor-based active learning opportunities to enhance organizational change through personnel learning (Current Terminology & Methodology). Such programs can be found under a variety of different headings depending on the location of the program.

Common Names for Outdoor Training and Development Programs

United States

Experience-based Training and Development (EBTD), (Miner, 1991)Outdoor Experiential Training, (Laabs, 1991; Tarullo, 1992, Barker, 1995; White, 1995)Outdoor Based Experiential Training, (Wagner and Campbell, 1994)Outdoor Development, (Burnett and James, 1994)Outdoor Management Development, (Holden, 1994; Ibbetson and Newell, 1999)Adventure Education, (Miles and Priest, 1993)Adventure-Based Learning, (Callard and Thompson, 1992)Executive Challenge, (Tarullo, 1992)Outdoor Challenge Training, (Baldwin, Wagner, & Rolland, 1991)Adventure Education, Adventure Challenge, Corporate Challenge Programs, (web references)
New Zealand, United Kingdom

Outdoor Management Development (OMD), (Ibbetson and Newell, 1999)
Australia and Canada

Corporate Adventure Training (CAT), (Priest and Lesperance, 1994)

Building off the Gass, Goldman, and Priest model of EBTD (closely related to OTD), and as referenced by the Project Challenge website (, 2004), OTD (EBTD) has six components that separate it from traditional learning.

OTD is experiential: while working under hands-on conditions, people learn best by doing.OTD is dramatic: the excitement and emotional aspect of these activities focus attention and sharpen minds. People remember what they learn.OTD is novel: because of the unique context and uncertainty of outcome for these activities, no one is considered to be an expert. Adventures tend to equalize people and break the hierarchical barriers and apprehensions that often exist in large organizations.OTD is consequential: errors have potential ramifications in adventures (getting wet in a canoe or falling of a rope), unlike in a classroom simulation (where play money is lost). Furthermore, success and failure is supported by those who really matter (coworkers and oneself).OTD is metaphoric: adventures are a microcosm of the requirements needed for and changes taking place in the work world. Behaviors demonstrated by individuals and groups during these activities are parallel representations of the way they act and what happens in the office. As such, new learning (skills, coping strategies, and bonding among personnel) can be analogously applied toward future efforts on the job.OTD is transferable: testimonials by past participants support the utility of experience-based training, and limited research studies substantiate that new learning does show up in the workplace. People refer back to their experiences and approach their tasks from a fresh perspective.

Although OTD is based around these unitary concepts, the vehicles and approaches implemented can be quite diverse. Whereas most OTD programs are carried on outdoors (there has been a recent trend to create artificial outdoor environments indoors), the level of instruction, type of activity, level of risk, and achievable outcomes will vary according to the type of program undertaken. Richard Wagner and Christopher Roland, authors of "How Effective is Outdoor Training?" suggest that OTD programs can be broken into two categories:

Low-impact programs generally use initiatives with limited physical risk. Activities tend to involve an entire work group.High impact programs use initiatives that have a relatively high level of perceived risk. They can involve individuals as the focus of the activity.

This model seems incomplete given the heterogeneous nature of OTD vehicles and their impacted focus on work groups or individuals. Although Agran, Garvey, Miner and Priest suggest a more detailed model of activities and purposes, their model too seems incomplete. A more comprehensive model serving to combine the two is provided below.

Activities and Purposes of OTD

Socialization Games

Examples: Name Game, Group Juggle, Human Knot, Lap Sits, Circle The Circle, Yurt CircleDescription: Games or activities designed with the aim of familiarizing work groups and individuals with other members of the group, inciting excitement, establishing group tones, and reducing individuals' inhibitions.Outcomes: Fun, Familiarization, Socialization, Excitement
Group Initiatives

Examples: Prouty's Landing, Croc Pit, Spider Web, Group WallDescriptions: Problems involving real and imaginary ground-based obstacles (either natural or constructed) that challenge a group to pool their resources and work together to find solutions. Successful solutions require the participation of all group members working in concert (Brassfield, Sandweiss, and Smith, 2004). Outcomes: Team Work Strategies, Strategic Planning, Effective Communication, Decision Making, Leadership, Personality Types, Conflict Resolution, Allocation Of Resources, Creative Problem Solving, Trust And Support.
Low Ropes Courses

Examples: Mohawk Walk, Wild Woozy, Dangle DouDescriptions: Often consist of individual elements or a series of elements based a few feet off the ground. Similar to high rope elements, these activities are not dependent on mechanical or physical belay systems, but rather, aggressive participant spotting. Generally require a degree of athleticism, supported by other group members, and a willingness to take risks. Involve a higher degree of actual risk. Outcomes: Individual And Group Achievement, Team Work Strategies, Personal Growth, Risk -Taking, Trust, Communication
High Ropes Courses

Examples: Pamper Pole, Mulit-Vine Traverse, Burma Bridge, Postman's Walk Description: Refer to any number of elements based high off the ground where a belay system of some sort is utilized to manage risk. Courses present tests of physical strength, stamina, agility, balance, and flexibility, and they invite participants to confront such emotional issues as the fear of heights, the fear of failure, and the fear of losing control. They require participants to draw upon reserves of courage and strength and to re-examine assumptions about their physical and emotional limitations. Conducted within a context of group encouragement and support, these programs often lead participants to a heightened awareness of self and to an increase of confidence and self-esteem (Brassfield et al., 2004).Outcomes: Risk-Taking, Confronting Fears, Re-Assess Assumptions About Physical And Emotional Limitations, Generate Excitement, Build Confidence, Foster Support and Encouragement.
Activity- Based Outdoor Pursuits

Examples: Climbing, Kayaking, Caving, Rafting, Mountain BikingDescription: Refer to outdoor adventures where rock climbing, kayaking, whitewater rafting, or some other vehicle are used to metaphorically tackle problems. The level of activity, impact and risk depend on the environment, qualifications of the guide, nature of the program, and vehicle utilized.Outcomes: Confidence, Coping With Change And Uncertainty, Leadership, Conflict Resolution, And Judgment.
Wilderness-Based Outdoor Pursuits

Examples: Expedition-Style Backpacking, Canoeing, and RaftingDescription: Refer to extended or multi-day wilderness adventures where food and supplies are carried along with the group. Outcomes: Leadership Development, Judgment, Conflict Resolution, Examination Of Group Process, Big Picture, Team Work, Bonding
Other Adventures

Examples: Military Scenarios, Fire Walking, Bungee Jumping, Car RacingDescription: May refer to a variety of simulated or nontraditional activities aimed at novel, shared experiences. Different vehicles allow for different metaphors. Outcomes: Simulations allow for big picture experiences, time management, and decision making, while nontraditional activities focus on motivation, commitment, and leadership of teams.
Myths of Outdoor Training and Development

Outdoor Training and Development has evolved considerably in the past thirty years and is now more on track with current instructional design and training theories. Critics and skeptics of OTD often speak and reference programs of yesterday. Whereas there are still some programs who have fallen behind the times, many of the practices and myths of old OTD programs are outdated and no longer apply.

Myth 1: OTD is inherently risky and places individuals in uncomfortable situations.
Fact 1: Some elements of OTD are inherently more risky than others. However, research has repeatedly shown that adventure activities are significantly safer than most other traditional physical activities" (Priest & Gass, 1997). Further research suggests that the key factors in the level of risk associated with OTD activities are: 1) participant screening and 2) the quality and ability of the guide or instructor. The Project Adventure 20-year study of deaths and injury on challenge courses published in 1995 shows that out of a total of 194,800,000 recorded participant hours, the overall incident and serious accident rate averaged to 4.33 accidents per million participant hours (Jillings, Furlong, LaRhette, Ryan, 1995). That is considerably less than driving a car to and from the site. Although critical incident information is challenging to uncover in the adventure industry, Keith Jacobs of Experiential Systems and member of the Association of Challenge Course Technology recently announced that he was aware of 16 critical incidents between 2002 and 2004. Of the 16 known incidents, 2 fatalities occurred. Nearly all of the incidents attributed some or all responsibility to instructor judgment error (2004).

Myth 2: OTD pushes participants too far and places individuals in potentially harmful positions.
Fact 2: The outdoor training and development industry has almost universally adopted the concept of "Challenge by Choice". Practitioners recognize that some OTD exercises place participants too far beyond their limits and encourage participants to try their best and only do the things that they are comfortable doing. Boot camps and overhead Trust Falls at the onset of a program are (for the most part) a thing of the past.

Myth 3: OTD is too expensive.
Fact 3: Quality OTD programs, depending on what you are looking for, can range from to 00 or more per person per day. Training fees often fall right in line with other classroom instruction and training that seeks similar outcomes. As with all training, the money spent is an investment in developing human potential. The expense related to the cost of the program is often directly proportional to the return.

Making Training Work

There is a name for outdoor training and development programs that lack poor instructional design--we call it "recreation." As Roger Delves, principal consultant with Ellis Hayward, puts it, "one of the biggest risks of any organization investing in outdoor management development (OMD) [the United Kingdom and New Zealand term for OTD] is leaving the training in the training room" (Gregory 1999). To maximize learning, OTD programs must be viewed in the same light as more formal training. Implementation of a design framework like the ADIE Model (assessment, design, implementation, and evaluation) can be very beneficial.

Assess. Peter Sheath, general manager of the Bristol plant of General Domestic Appliances and strong advocate for OTD advises, "Firstly, you must have clear expectations, and make sure they are relevant" (Cook, 2000). If you compete a basic needs assessment, and "if there is no business benefit, don't do it," warns Karen Moore, a psychologist and director of assessment at the Dove Nest Group, a management training consultancy based on the shores of Lake Windmere in Cumbria.

Organizations need to be absolutely clear of their objectives and about what they are trying to achieve. John Howard, an OTD provider at Anglesey Sea and Surf Center (ASSC) discusses potential clients. "They either have totally overblown objectives that cannot be met in a short course, or they simply don't know exactly what it is that they want." (Shutte, 1999). Vague or fuzzy objectives often lead to failed expectations and failed trainings. Be certain to present your objective to your trainer and provider before designing the program. Fuzzy objectives should be clarified.

Design. Once a goal assessment has been completed, it is equally imperative that an audience and target population assessment is completed. Some activities and programs work well for certain people. High ropes courses, whitewater rafting and wilderness programs are not for everyone, and can be dangerous for older employees with heart conditions. Other activities like group initiatives are more universal and allow participants more options and roles in choosing their experience and level of participation.
In selecting activities and designing the program, be certain to consider pre-instructional and follow-up activities and programs. A good provider can help you select ways that will best meet your programmatic needs.

More will be said about selecting a provider later on in this paper.

Implementation. Programs vary widely in degree by the nature of the product and provider chosen. Groups who come well prepared are most likely to reap the benefits of OTD. In many cases, this means informing participants of what is expected of them and what they should expect of the program. Participants often express signs of anxiety and distress when they lack the proper information to choose to feel otherwise.

Depending on the length and nature of the program chosen, active components and time for reflection and discussion should be shared nearly equally. Participants should be allotted the time to make adjustments and apply new learning immediately, else retention and transfer of information is unlikely. Selecting a good provider is key to the overall outcome of the program. Wagner suggests there is no greater indicator for the success of a program than the quality and ability of the facilitator (Cain and Jolliff, 1998).

Evaluate. There is a true lack of good evaluation that has been conducted in the field of Outdoor Training and Development. As the bottom line becomes more important to companies, human resources departments are feeling the pressure to show support for their programs. OTD programs are frequently at the top of the list because of their novel and flamboyant nature. Steve Nielsen, managing director of the Leadership Institute, is quick to warn evaluators and business directors, "If you only look at the bottom line, you are only going to work on the things that can truly be measured. And if that's all you are going to work on, then you are doomed to failure. You must deal with People where people live--in their hearts--and then tie it to their minds."

Choosing a Provider

Availability of Outdoor Training Programs in the United States is staggering. Jim Liggett, owner of Ropes Courses Incorporated and founder of the Association of Challenge Course Technology, recently estimated there to be more than 15,000 ropes course in the United States. This statistic needs to be taken with a grain of salt, however, as many programs and courses are run as part of a summer camp. Kirk Hallowell, co-chair of Experience Based Training and Development (EBTD), suggests there is a difference between programs offered by programs that provide educational programs and organizations that provide organizational development. "A facility, such as the YMCA or camp, may have a ropes course, but they aren't necessarily able to provide a corporate program" (Campbell 1996).

When approaching a provider, go prepared. Shop around and compare programs from a series of vendors, both locally and elsewhere to get a good feel for what is possible and will work best for you.

Priest provides a characterization of corporate and/or EBTD programs that can be extremely useful when comparing vendors and deciding whether or not an OTD program is right for your organization (c).

Types of Programs and Associated Costs

Program Type Recreation Education Development Redirection
Primary Purpose To change feelings To change thinking To change functional behaving To change resisting and denying
Application Universal/everyone Organization-wide Intact group (team) Pairs or individuals
Action Events Off-the-shelf Tailored Customized Unique and original
Learning Cycle Action emphasis Reflection added Transfer of learning Supported transfer
Organizational Goals Disconnected Aware & related Well integrated Seamless connect
HRD's Role Can be absent May observe Should assist facilitation Must co-facilitate
Organizational Intent Zero order change First order change Second order change Third order change
Organizational Impact None Individual only System (individual) System + individual
Typical Length 0.5 - 2 days 1 - 3 days 2 - 5 days 3 - 10 days
Cost per Client +/program day 0+/program day 0+/program day 0+/program day

The following 10 recommendations grow out of research completed by Richard Wagner and Christopher Rolland (1992) and personal experience as an OTD provider.

Determine the objectives for the program before selecting the vehicle or scope of the program. Program objectives should be specific and measurable. If your objectives are immeasurable, you should negotiate with your provider on more clear objectives that are obtainable.Select an OTD program on the basis of your objectives and not on the recreational desires of your participants, your own desires, or cost prohibitions. Settling for a lesser program often means sacrificing some objectives. If a program does not fit your objectives, revisit your objectives and consider a new program. Keep in mind, the program should be dictated by the objectives and not vice versa.Look for a provider that listens to your needs and desires. Quality providers will be willing to customize the training program to meet your specific needs. Be aware of cookie cutter models. What worked for someone else won't necessarily work for your company.Select a firm that meets your complete programmatic needs. Some practitioners offer needs assessment and evaluation services, others do not. In many cases, it is more cost effective to use in house trainers who are familiar with your company to conduct the needs assessment and evaluation. In that case, it is also helpful to have those trainers come along and help facilitate discussion. The more that is required of the provider, the more carefully you should check references and choose carefully.Ask for references and check up on them. Do not rely simply on word of mouth of the adverts of a glossy magazine. Look for a proven track record in program effectiveness and safety. Quality providers should be able to provide you with some sort of documentation.Inquire about how much time will be spent engaged in activity and how much time will be spent in discussion and reflection. As a role of thumb, at least 20 minutes out of every hour should be spent reflecting. This might take form in various ways. Inquire about alternate forms of assisting transference back to the workforce.Inquire about the qualifications of facilitators. Are facilitators trained in first aid? Do they have specific experience working with other clients in your work area? What credentials do they carry? If the nature of your business is specific and you cannot find a provider, consider bringing in a subject matter expert from your own company or elsewhere to help employees make connections back to the workplace.Cost. Programs can range from 0 to 00 or more per person per day. Do not let cost be the driving factor in your decision. Additional fees for a quality provider should be regarded as investments in employee development and not debits. If cost prohibits you from selecting a reputable provider, consider an alternate training vehicle.Invite upper management and important decision makers along.Evaluate the effectiveness of the OTD program. Maximize the results by modifying the program based on evaluation results.Outdoor Training and Development can be a powerful tool when utilized correctly, but it is important to know its limitations. Although data exists that suggests that OTD programs have measurable achievement in the workplace, there is a need for more formal research to be completed by both providers and corporations who are implementing the programs. Currently, the greatest defense and assurance of quality programs is being an educated customer, ensuring that good instructional design principles are incorporated, and selecting a quality provider that is interested in partnering with your organization (Priest, C). Else, critics might be proved right in their assertion that OTD is simply and over-priced day at the park for burnt-out managers.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Fire Glass, ~1/4" Black Reflective, 10 LBS by Fireplace Glass San Diego

Fire Glass, ~1/4

Sincerely hope You Are Set for the Hottest Fire Glass, ~1/4" Black Reflective, 10 LBS

During the continuous battle to have the hottest and of course the greatest Fire Glass, ~1/4" Black Reflective, 10 LBS, we will will continue to strive to reinvent the product. Even though it is not likely expected to utterly reinvent this particular product, we feel our ground up technique in the advancement of our most current offering establishes our latest model light years ahead of our nearest competitors, as opposed to simply being happy to become just another participant of exactly the same worn out products club.

Though there can be various quite similar goods on the market today, we know that all of the research that has gone inside our latest Fire Glass, ~1/4" Black Reflective, 10 LBS will certainly be worth it. Rather than accepting the exact same characteristics which have for ages been there, our Fireplace Glass San Diegos resolved that this just wasn't good enough. For certain we maintained all of the amazing features you've come to count on from our products, nonetheless we have likewise added in quite a few brand-new and really exceptional functions to it.

So as to make the Fire Glass, ~1/4" Black Reflective, 10 LBS the top item out there, we went to venture to our hardest test marketplace. You heard right we listened to those who genuinely count when it comes to making our new products, we listen to what our consumers tell us they need. At Fireplace Glass San Diego all of us think that while our designers build a very good item, it is only by listening to what you need can we produce a genuinely great item that you will be delighted to invest your hard earned cash in.

Fire Glass, ~1/4
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Fireglass is used in gas fireplaces and fire pits as an alternative to gas logs. Our fireplace glass crystals are made to withstand the heat of a fireplace or fire pit flame. ~1/4" means that the average size is ~1/4". Some pieces can be quite smaller and some can be quite larger, this is typical for all kinds of fireglass. IMPORTANT: Any fireglass on the market can be used only in devices designed by the manufacturer for use with fireglass. (And if it can be used, you need to respect the recommended size of fireglass). Propane burners do not burn as clean as natural gas and can cause discoloration and sooting, so it is recommended to use dark colors with LP propane. The shade/hue of the glass can change dramatically in different sources of light as well as in different colors of surrounding areas, backgrounds, etc. The image of this glass may be distorted by the settings of your viewing screen.


  • Update your gas fireplace or fire pit with a clean, elegant look!
  • Highest quality fireglass glass on the market
  • Replaces gas logs and lava rocks
  • Easy installation
  • This glass has been tested and will not melt or discolor, if properly installed and used

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Pleasant Hearth Lantern Style LP Gas Fire Pit with Lava Rocks by Pleasant Hearth

There are lots of factors for you to make decision for spending your cash. One of the major factors is an acceptable cost. So we're confident that our item is come out for the web marketplace having a appropriate cost that every person can buy. Pleasant Hearth is opening our new item Pleasant Hearth Lantern Style LP Gas Fire Pit with Lava Rocks now. This can be going to become our finest items from us. You'll find that our item fill with several high qualities, simple to utilize and it can be in an incredibly good cost for a buyer like you in the event you compare with yet another goods on the net marketplace now.

Pleasant Hearth Lantern Style LP Gas Fire Pit with Lava Rocks
List Price : $249.00

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From the knowledge of our team inventive, they had been correcting all of the data in every supply and transform every thing that we learned combined with all remarkable good quality materials to total this new superb Pleasant Hearth Lantern Style LP Gas Fire Pit with Lava Rocks for you and every person. So it is possible to make simpler decision to decide on our item. And make a majority of web shopping buyer around the world to decide on to get this item too.

Pleasant Hearth Lantern Style LP Gas Fire Pit with Lava Rocks will make your life a lot more comfy and simpler than ever. And every person inside your household will really like this item. it can be the best time for you to modify some thing inside your life with us and Pleasant Hearth will constantly be inside your mind.

Click here to visit the Pleasant Hearth Lantern Style LP Gas Fire Pit with Lava Rocks full review & cheap price

Pleasant Hearth Lantern Style LP Gas Fire Pit with Lava Rocks

This lantern style LP (propane) gas fire pit will fit any outdoor patio. This fire pit lantern has a decorative cast stone like frame construction with a large base, a stainless steel burner, and includes 1kg of featured red lava rocks. This fire pit lantern runs on a 1 lb. LP (propane) gas tank, which is hidden inside the column. No assembly is required, CSA approved. Warranty: 1 year limited frame. Assembly Dimensions: 40-inch Height by 13.5-inch Width by 13.5-inch Depth. Weight: 51.88 lbs.


  • Decorative Cast Stone Frame Construction with Taupe Finish
  • Stainless Steel Burner
  • Lava Rocks Included
  • Match Light, Easy High/Low Option, Output 9K BTUs
  • Easy Setup, No Assembly Required, for Outdoor Usage Only

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

The Outdoor GreatRoom Company 42-Inch Glass Fire Pit Table, Black from The Outdoor GreatRoom Company

The Outdoor GreatRoom Company had been correcting all of the experiences and modified the high skills to create this newest excellence item very good for each and every residence. We've been delivering you and everyone basically probably the most efficient solution with The Outdoor GreatRoom Company 42-Inch Glass Fire Pit Table, Black. Our most current item which may be in a position to respond your demand and it actually is out accessible out there now. We've been enhancing the intelligent capability and particulars that we located from each and every individual resource to choose probably the most successful item thought end result for each and every residence.

The Outdoor GreatRoom Company 42-Inch Glass Fire Pit Table, Black

According to the thought that is certainly nobody require to spend much cash on a item that wouldn't perform well. This really is particularly created for buyers who are into it for good quality and cost. The business has worked with their group introduced this item for the worldwide net market. To offer high-quality merchandise which delivers the significance of our lifetime is our task and portion of our solutions that any individual paying for has each and every single proper to anticipate. We really feel incredibly specific that The Outdoor GreatRoom Company 42-Inch Glass Fire Pit Table, Black is going to be the merchandise that you just have been trying to uncover lengthy time. And also this item is just not too valuable for each and every individual.

Experience in our production market created The Outdoor GreatRoom Company 42-Inch Glass Fire Pit Table, Black is going to be the latest magnificent item from The Outdoor GreatRoom Company for your home.

The Outdoor GreatRoom Company 42-Inch Glass Fire Pit Table, Black
List Price : $799.00

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A beautiful table to sit around with your family and friends and enjoy your outdoor living space. Both versatile and stylish, it is a table and fire pit all wrapped into one very attractive piece of furniture.


  • Outdoor powder coated aluminum frame that won't rustor corrode
  • Crystal fire-center burning unit
  • Lp tank stores in optional tank cover table

Monday, May 20, 2013

Mining Dangers - Top Ten Mining Problems From around the globe

Mining is really a harmful industry and it has led to 1000's of deaths triggered by a number of hazards including coal dust explosions, methane gas, rock falls and deadly carbon monoxide poisoning in addition to long-term health issues for example black lung.

Fundamental essentials top mining problems as based on the amount of deaths, however it must be appreciated that accurate dying tolls weren't always available, sometimes because physiques were not able to become retrieved, records were incomplete or political reasons.

1 - Honkeiko Colliery, China (April 26, 1942)
China has perhaps the worst mining record associated with a country with statistics showing that miners are 350 more occasions prone to die there than elsewhere. You will find still mining deaths occurring in China however the worst happened in Honkeiko (or Benxihu) Colliery in 1942. Once the entrance towards the mine flattened due to a coal dust explosion it trapped 1000's of employees, and 1,549 are believed to possess died. In order to retain the blaze, japan government bodies turned off ventilation, and sealed the mine's entrance, imprisoning the trapped employees.

2 - Courrieres, France (March 10, 1906)
1,099 miners died (including many children) with what was the worst ever pit disaster in Europe. A sizable dust explosion devastated the mine soon after 6:30am on Saturday, March 10, 1906.

3 - Kyushu, Japan (December 15, 1914)
A deadly gas explosion in the Mitsubishi Hojyo coal mine in Kyushu, Japan, wiped out 687 miners, which makes it the worst mining disaster in Japan's history.

4 - Senghenydd, Wales (October 14, 1913)
Throughout a time period of record coal production, Welsh mining was dogged by poor safety standards with several deadly accidents happening in early area of the twentieth century. The worst what food was in where 438 males and boys were wiped out with a methane explosion captivated by coal dust. Only 72 physiques were ever retrieved.

5 - Coalbrook, Nigeria (The month of january 1, 1960)
The tragedy of that's the most harmful mining accident in South Africa's history is compounded through the fact deaths might have been avoided. A rock fall trapped miners inside a portion of the mine consider the mining company wasn't outfitted having a drill big enough to produce an exit on their behalf there is not a way to flee. 437 miners perished. To increase this blunder, there was reviews administrators sent miners exiting the tunnel after earlier rock falls into the mine.

6 - Wankie, Rhodesia (June 6, 1972)
At 10:30am on Tuesday, June 6, 1972 a methane explosion within an extraction panel underneath a mountain known as Madumabisa (Wankie No.2 Colliery). The first explosion was adopted soon after with a coal-dust explosion that taken with the mine at this kind of incredible speed that does not among the 426 miners wiped out was an opportunity.

7 - Dhanbad, India (May 28, 1965)
The Dhanbad coal mine disaster happened on May 28, 1965, inside a coal mine near Dhanbad, an urban area in India. Around the fateful day, there is a surge in Dhori colliery near Dhanbad, which brought to fireplace within the mines. The fireplace wiped out 375 miners. Dhori Colliery is situated near Bermo.

8 - Chasnala, India (December 27, 1975)
A coal mine in Chasnala near Dhanbad experienced a deadly explosion that led to 7,000,000 gallons water each minute to ton the mine and wiped out 372 miners, who have been trapped under mountain tops of debris.

9 - Barnsley, England (December 12, 1866)
Several explosions ripped with the Trees mine killing basically six from the 340 miners working at that time. Other employees from the colliery and rescuers were wiped out within the blasts that adopted getting the entire quantity of deaths to 361. A furnace guy were built with a amazing escape getting being knocked down through the pressure from the explosion he is discovered by rescuers, unconscious, however with a defunct cat in the arms.

10 - Monongah, West Virginia, USA (December 6, 1907)
Thought to trigger Father's Day, the Monongah mining disaster may be the worst in American history killing 361 miners. A surge ripped with the network of mines with your speed and pressure that some physiques were found with food still within their mouths. The state dying toll is stated to be really conservative with a few calculating the entire was a lot more than 600 with terrible tales of employees as youthful as 13 being swept up within the resulting blaze.

While dying and injuries can but still do happen, mining safety standards have enhanced considerably which is partially because of the growth of Gps navigation monitoring accustomed to improve miner safety.